February 10, 2005

It's okay....

Photograph by ilisu.
So here I am, man, just sitting here. Just sitting here and waiting, man. I hate waiting, I hate waiting. I'm a doer, I gotta be doing something something, all the time, man, or I get spasmed out. Spasmed man.

But it's okay, it's okay. While I'm waiting here I can work on my novel, man. I been in a bad place on the novel, a bad place, like I know what I want to happen next, man, but it just takes so fucking long to put down the words. I need one of them voice things, one of them things you can talk into, man, like a microphone and the computer just types the words out for you. I need one of them things, man, but they cost like a million bucks and ain't no way I'm gonna have a million bucks, man, unless I sell this novel and it gets made, like, into a movie but first I got finish writing the damned thing and I ought to work on it now while I'm waiting, but I didn't bring my computer, man, I got to remember, got to remember bring the fucking computer next time, man.

But it's okay, it's okay cause a waiting room ain't no place to be writing, man. Coffee shops, that's where you write, coffee shops. But not Starbucks, man, because Starbucks is the fucking devil, man. I mean it, I do, cause I read this thing on the internet, man, and it was all about, like, how Starbucks owns like half the coffee beans in the world, man. Half of them, or something like that, and they exploit their workers. I don't remember if it was the guys that pick the beans or the guys in the shops, man, the ones that pour the coffee but Starbucks man, they're the devil, really. So I don't work on the novel at Starbucks, man, I don't even go there.

I gotta pee, man. I wonder how long I'm supposed to wait here. I wonder if I could leave for a bit, go get some coffee man, but not at Starbucks. But coffee makes you pee, man, pee like a racehorse. I shouldn't think about peeing, it'll just make me want to pee worse, I should think about the novel, man. I should really be thinking about her. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her, man, I'd be at my crib or in a coffee shop, man, someplace I could pee whenever I wanted to.

But it's okay, it's okay. It's not her fault, man, not really not really not really. Well, it really is her fault, when you get down to it, man, when you get right fucking down to it, but it don't make no difference. It don't make no difference cause here I am, man, here I am waiting waiting, man, with no computer and no coffee and I really really got to pee, man.

But it's okay, it's okay.