March 18, 2005

Red Shoes, Blue Sky

Photograph by helveticaneue.
They were arrogant shoes. Shoes as haughty and imperious as a flamenco dancer. Swaggering, insolent shoes.

She wished she could wear shoes like that. She wished she could walk down the street, bold and impudent as a swashbuckler, in shoes that proclaimed themselves with every step. Shoes that declared 'Lesser mortals dare not wear me; I am only for the audacious.' She yearned for those shoes and the temerity to wear them.

She'd always been a sensible-shoe girl. A brown shoe girl, a girl whose shoe rack remained within the parameters of practicality and prudence. If she were transported to Oz by some freak meteorological event, then perhaps she could wear such shoes.

She looked away from the red shoes, looked up at the sky for any sign of a tornado, up at the disappointing empty pale blue sky.